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Morehead State University Participates in ATMAE Annual Conference

KCV recently sponsored Morehead State University faculty, Dr. Anindita Paul, and two undergraduate students, Tyler Ward and Jeffrey Young, to participate in the ATMAE (Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering) Annual Conference through the KCV GOAL Fund.

During the conference, Mr. Blake and Mr. Young presented on platforms they are working on with Dr. Kouroush Jenab, a KCV IMPACT Awardee, around virtual reality K-12 STEM and workforce training. Dr. Paul presented on their low-power, all-pass filter with biomedical applications.

Check out the videos of their elevator pitches and their poster below!

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Image of poster at ATMAE Conference - Virtual Reality STEM and Workforce Training Platform

Dr. Kouroush Jenab

Jeffrey Young

Tyler Ward


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